
There is a list of other keys, which are inhibited with functions: <#505#>AMIGA-<#175#>q<#175#> <#505#> <#176#>f<#176#> Displays the current page in the ``whole-page-mode''. To this end the page is reduced in a manner that the current screen resolution can be fully displayed. Besides the page itself, its dimensions are displayed. The unit which is used at this, can be saved in the ShowDVI-configuration file. Your have the choice between: inch (in), centimeter (cm) and point (pt). If you change to another page in the ``full-page-mode'', this will be also displayed in this mode. You can get back to the normal display mode by pressing the key <#177#>f<#177#>. For confirmation that you really are in the ``Full Page Mode'', an 'F' is displayed in the status field, to the right, next to the <#178#>#<#178#> gadget. <#179#>i<#179#> Switches between interlaced and noninterlaced modes. <#180#>o<#180#> Switches the scrollbars on and off. <#181#>c<#181#> Erases the Page Jump Counter, i.e. sets it to zero. <#182#>a<#182#> Reloads the current DVI file, but remains on the same page. <#183#>s<#183#> Switches the Page Scroll Mode on. With the cursor up and down keys you can then select the wanted page and with one of the page switching keys (<#184#>RETURN ENTER BACKSPACE - g .<#184#>) jump to it. Repeated pressing of the key <#185#>s<#185#> works as the <#186#>NO<#186#> gadget.

<#187#>y<#187#> With this key you switch between the two different possible page number interpretations. For one, there is the possibility of interpreting each page number as that one which it has in the TEXtext (logical number). If, for example, you fix the page number on seven with <#188#>
<#188#> at the beginning of the TEXtext, then, normally, the previewer interprets the physical first page of the DVI file as the page with the number seven. However, if you switch to the physical page number mode with the 'y' key, then the first page of the DVI file will be labeled with the page number one. This mode is shown with a 'Y' on the right side of the window titlebar. <#189#>' '<#189#> (SPACE) Similar to the <#190#>more<#190#> utility. Scrolls down about one screen. If you were on the lower border of the page, the next page is shown. <#191#>p<#191#> Prints out the current page. As long as the printing process has not been finished, a ``P'' is displayed next to the <#192#>#<#192#> gadget to the top right of the screen (As mentioned above, your printer might print on after the computer thinks the printing is completed, because of an internal printer buffer. -TT). By repeated pressing of the <#193#>p<#193#> key the printing process can be aborted. <#194#>d<#194#> Brings the workbench screen to the front and activates the window, that was active before ShowDVI<#195#><#195#> was activated. <#196#>!<#196#> Opens a shell window on the ShowDVI<#197#><#197#> screen. ShowDVI<#198#><#198#> waits, until the shell has been closed again with <#199#>endcli<#199#>. Warning: This is the only function in the ShowDVI<#200#><#200#> program which does not adhere to common programmer guidelines. Thus it is very well possible, that this is not going to function in a new operating system version. (Or leads to a crash. -TT) <#506#>AMIGA-<#201#>c<#201#><#506#> Calls the color requester. <#507#>AMIGA-<#202#>o<#202#><#507#> Opens the file requester. <#508#>AMIGA-<#203#>q<#203#><#508#> Ends the program. <#204#>ESC<#204#> This key has two functions depending on its setting in the configuration file. Either the key ends the program, or (normally) pushes the ShowDVI<#205#><#205#> screen to the background and activates the window, which was active before ShowDVI<#206#><#206#> was activated. Besides this you can overlay the function keys with ARexx scripts More about this in the next chapter.